sâmbătă, 27 octombrie 2012

Hello Everybody,

     This is my first post and I want to welcome everybody who loves Timisoara and who wants to visit this small Wien.
Hopefully from the beginning i thought to myself that this web page is not going to be a turistic guide, it is going to be more. Five years ago i came to Timisoara just like you :) but as a student.
I have always wanted Timisoara because its the only city where i feel at home.

       Firstly I can tell you that here i will start to write about Timisoara from every aspect. I will not treat Timisoara from its beginnings but show you images about this city nowadays, about every beauty of it, about places to visit, thins to do .

I will speak about buildings and their history, about people and spare time.
        Secondly, I want this web site to become an invitation, an open door , to meet new people, to make attractive things, to see how we have fun here , how we spend time all four seasons:))

All in all , i will not get you bored with this introductive post but let you discover this blog, discover me , discover us.
Welcome !!

Hugs and Kisses !


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